Length: 10 hours - 2 cfu
The rapid advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been greatly changing our society, with clear societal and economic benefits: services and technologies that are becoming more and more pervasive and conveniently accessible, towards the realization of a 'smart' society’. The most disruptive and enabling factors of such evolution and revolution are the enormous availability of (rich and heterogenous) data and the pervasive introduction of AI-ML approaches for their generation, analysis, and processing. The relationship with AI-ML and data protection is multi-facets: AI-ML applications can introduce more privacy or security risks (e.g., for information can be indirectly improperly exposed in the learning process or data poisoning attacks affecting its correctness); on the other side AI-ML approaches can also offer new opportunities for novel approaches providing better cybersecurity and information protection, and enabling privacy-privacy preserving data sharing. The course aims at providing an overview of research issues, challenges, and opportunities on the relationship between AI-ML approaches with data security and privacy.
Dates & Venue
Giorni | Aula | Orario |
Suggested Readings:
Prof. Vincenzo Piuri - Dipartimento di Informatica
Prof. Pierangela Samarati - Dipartimento di Informatica
Prof. Vincenzo Piuri - Dipartimento di Informatica
Prof. Pierangela Samarati - Dipartimento di Informatica