Length: 10 hours - 2 cfu
This course aims to explor how complex networks theory is applied across diverse disciplines, including physics, biology, sociology, computer science, and economics by fostering interdisciplinary thinking by examining commonalities and differences in the study of complex systems across disciplines. During this course, focusing on Network Structure and Dynamics, we investigate the structural properties of complex networks, such as small-worldness, scale-freeness, and community structure and explore dynamic processes on networks, including diffusion, contagion, synchronization, and information spreading. In order to model complex sytem, we introduce students to various models used to simulate complex systems on networks, such as preferential attachment models, and agent-based models. During this course, the strengths, limitations, and real-world applications of different modeling approaches will be discussed and analysed the complex challenges may happen in areas such as public health, cybersecurity and finance.
Dates & Venue
Giorni | Aula | Orario |
Suggested Readings:
Dr. Samira Maghool - Dipartimento di Informatica
Dr. Samira Maghool - Dipartimento di Informatica