Security,Privacy, and Data Protection - December 2021

Length: 20 hours - 4 cfu



Understanding advanced techniques, applications and social issues of security and privacy in emerging ICT scenarios and applications, including cloud/fog/edge computing and internet-of-things. The course will address various aspects, aiming at identifying security and privacy challenges, approaches to their solutions, and open problems. It will cover different aspects of security and privacy, such as protection of infrastructure, communication, devices, as well as protection of data, including aspects of anonymity and privacy of sensitive and confidential information. Ethics, social acceptance, and legal aspects will be also addressed.

Dates & Venue

Information for participants: the methods of participation, the timetable and the topics of the lessons / seminars can be found at the following link:



Prof. ssa Pierangela Samarati - Dipartimento di Informatica

Prof. ssa Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati - Dipartimento di Informatica

Prof. ssa Sara Foresti- Dipartimento di Informatica



Prof. ssa Pierangela Samarati - Dipartimento di Informatica

Prof. ssa Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati - Dipartimento di Informatica

Prof. ssa Sara Foresti- Dipartimento di Informatica