Systematic Debugging Techniques - May 2022

Length: 10 hours - 2 cfu



The course introduces a systematic debugging methodology starting from the discussion of basic theoretical results and of principled best practices, to the analysis of few concrete case studies and state of the art tools.

Prerequisites for the class are advanced programming abilities and a reasonable introduction to software engineering topics.

Dates & Venue

Giorni Aula Orario
 00/00/2022 .............................................. 00:00-00:00
00/00/2022 ............................................. 00:00-00:00
00/00/2022 ............................................. 00:00-00:00
00/00/2022 ............................................. 00:00-00:00



Dr. Massimo Santini - Dipartimento di Informatica



Dr. Massimo Santini - Dipartimento di Informatica