Security Certification: From Traditional Software and Cloud System to ML-based Services - October 2022

Length: 15 hours - 3 cfu



Learning of the main security certification techniques and schemes for software, applications, and cloud services. Knowledge on non-functional properties of Machine Learning models. Certification scheme for ML-based services. In particular, techniques based on testing and techniques based on monitoring will be studied. The peculiarities of the certification schemes presented will be highlighted in relation to their ability to dynamically adapt to the evolutions of the certified software/service. Certification schemes integrated with the design and development phase in DevOps environments will be also introduced.

Dates & Venue

Giorni Aula Orario
28/10/2022 .Lab. Laurea Magistrale  3° floor - Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milan



04/11/2022 Lab. Laurea Magistrale  3° floor - Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milan




Suggested Readings

Distributed systems, web service, cloud, Machine Learning


Prof. Marco Anisetti - Dipartimento di Informatica



Prof. Marco Anisetti - Dipartimento di Informatica